Primary Passage: Mt. 6:12

Secondary Passage: Psalm 109

Big Question: Why should we pray when we’re angry?

Big Idea: When we pray our anger, we are freed from the burden of justice which allows us to experience the freedom of forgiveness.

Keywords: Enemies, Anger, Forgiveness, Justice, Release, Healing, Open Hand.


GOING DEEPER – Life Application Questions


Where did you see Christ working around you?  How did it increase your hope?


What makes you angry?  How do you deal with anger?  How has anger affected your life and relationships?  What makes forgiveness difficult for you?


Read Psalm 109. What stands out to you about this passage? What was the sin done to him? What does David’s prayer reveal about what he believes about God? What does it tell us about praying our anger?


What does the gospel tell us about dealing with injustice and learning to forgive?


Do you have to forgive someone this week? Spend some time praying through the hurt, confessing belief in God’s justice and care.


Do you have to ask for someone’s forgiveness this week? Spend some time praying for a truly repentant heart in order to experience the restoration of the relationship.