What did you do this week that required faith? What was a specific truth you had to fight to believe?
What is most troubling to you about the times we live in? What is the predominant worldview in our culture? How does the political climate reflect or reject that worldview?
Read 1 Peter 2:1-10. What stands out to you in this passage? What is confusing, or difficult to understand? What are each of the metaphors that Paul uses? How do those metaphors shape a Christians identity purpose and belonging?
What are the “spiritual sacrifices” you have offered to God?
Read 1 Peter 2:11. Why is it consistent for Christians to abstain from sinful desires? What is the damage that can be caused by them? How is acting that way a betrayal of our worldview?
How would you rewrite 1 Peter 2:12 in your own words? What would need to change in your life in order to be seen honorably?
Is there anyone outside of the church who you need to seek forgiveness from, in order to maintain a consistent witness and remove any accusation of hypocrisy? Plan to meet with them to confess your sin without any defensiveness. Prayerfully depend on God's work in their lives for His glory.