How did you see Christ working through you this week?  What made loving or being loved difficult?  


How would you define submission? 


Read 1 Peter 3:1-7.  What is your initial response to this passage?  Why is Peter speaking to the wives of unbelieving husbands?  What is he communicating about the power of submission?  How does that reshape our view of it? What is the connection between submission and beauty?


Why is Peter’s commendation to husbands (3:7) revolutionary? 


Read 1 Peter 3:8-12.  How is submission for all necessary to apply these verses?  Which is most difficult for you… Unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind?  How would the gospel empower you to strive to see that difficulty be changed? 


Reconsider Peter’s teaching so far in this book.  How is it informing how you are to live as an influencer in the places you live? 


Spend some time praying for those places and spaces.  Ask God to give you insight into why He has you there.  Consider what it will mean to live and speak with hope int hose places with the hope that He is will influence them with His goodness.