1 Peter 2:1-2
Peter is in Rome and writes this letter to the small churches scattered over the 5 Roman provinces of what call the country of Turkey today. Peter is probably late 50’s or 60 years of age at this point.
These churches are in need of discipleship (training) for how to thrive as faithful followers of Jesus in an environment dominated by Pagan religions on the one hand and the military might and power of Rome on the other. These churches were in need of encouragement and inspiration.
Jackie Robinson was the first African-American to play which major league sport? _______________________
Who was the white player who grew up in the southern US that put his arm around Jackie and stood with him in the face of the boos of the Boston crowd? _____________________
Someone who loyally stands by you, encourages you and believes in you can make all the difference in the world. That’s exactly how the Triune God — Father, Son & Holy Spirit — used the Apostle Peter and this amazing letter.
God revealing himself as Father, Son & Holy Spirit: One God has an implication in regards to why creation happened.
If God was a solitary being then it would be easy to see that he needed to create — so he wouldn’t be alone anymore. Because God is one in essence but different in person — Creation doesn’t happen out of loneliness but rather comes out of the overflow of the love between the 3 persons of the Trinity — Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
“Foreknowledge of God the Father” = _______________________
“Sanctifying work of the Spirit” = ____________________________
“An Apostle of Jesus Christ” = ______________________________
“To be obedient and to be sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ” =___________________________________________________
The dominant metaphor that Peter uses is inheritance.
The churches scattered over the 5 Roman Provinces have been given a better inheritance than 2 million$…
“A new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead”.
A New Birth = _______________________________________________
Into a Living Hope = _________________________________________
Through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead = ________
In 1 Century Common Greek the 3 words we read in our English Bibles have the meaning of…
Peter used 3 words when 1 would have been enough to drive home the point that our inheritance of salvation is never in doubt.
As human beings we constantly compare ourselves to those around us (more handsome or beautiful, in a better financial position, smarter, more popular etc.)
1 Peter 1:4 is the Apostle essentially declaring, “Stop people! Get some perspective! The gift of salvation gives your forgiveness and release from the past, incredible peace and power in the present and it guarantees your eternal future…and your worried that the person across the room is better looking????”
2 examples — NY Time predicting a working airplane was 1 million years away and USC Professor predicting that soon people would be routinely living to the age of 150. Neither came true. The point is that predicting the future is really difficult!
Psalm 22 — written by King David who rule 1010-970 BC
Each exact detail of Jesus’ Crucifixion was fulfilled in the Gospel accounts.
Point is…that level of accuracy of a 1000 year span is absolutely impossible on a purely human level . It is only possible in the power of God Almighty.
Faithful Living in Faithless Times — May God use this letter of 1 Peter to help us do the same thing.